Studio76 is sad to see some of its finest seniors move on upon the completion of their degrees. These individuals have given a lot to our organization and also delivered some beautiful content. Gleb Lapham is a student who faithfully took our studio class and was a fun one to have around for sure. Logan and Cassidy  were both on the Studio76 staff as well as participated in the class. Cassidy Eames was a very talented Senior Producer this year producing her own outdoor series called Outdoor Obsessions. Logan Malan is responsible for really establishing the culture of Studio76 this year. He is the one that came up with our mantra “I am strong in organization and obsessed with execution”. He really  left a mark with this and it will be fun to see what the next staff and seniors have to offer in the years to come but for now, we will be missing you Cassidy, Logan and Gleb. #SeeYouSoon

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